Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thursday, April 29th was a big day for the Nevins household - is everyone sitting down?  Aidan pooped on the potty!!!!  He told me that morning that he had to poop...and he did!  So proud of the little bugger!  For those that don't know he's been potty trained since right after he turned two - so crazy that he was so little, but would pee pee on the potty!  The only thing is that he would always poop in his "underwears" as he calls them.  Well, knock on wood, we've had a whole week of pooping on the potty!  Two and a half and completely potty trained - what a smart boy!

 Here he is with his Starburst for doing such a great job!  
He was so proud - bless his heart!

Thanks for reading!

(aka - the proud mommy!)

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