Friday, May 25, 2012

Pre-School Closing Ceremony

So Aidan's last day of Preschool was this past Wednesday.  His school had the nicest closing program for us followed by a picnic lunch.  Aidan's class sang 2 songs and then he received a certificate - he was the loudest singer in his class!  He did such a great job this year at "big school" and I am so proud of him.

Singing with his class

Officially a Pre-Kindergartner!

Aidan and his adorable "girlfriend" Celia

Celia and Aidan having their picnic lunch together

Aidan with Mama and Papa
(he wasn't too happy that he had to stop playing to take a picture!)

Aidan and his fabulous teacher, Mrs. Steckler

Dear Aidan - You are my most precious little boy.  Your smile and big eyes just melt my heart.  You have such a fun personality - always trying to trick me, yet always my snuggle bug.  You constantly crack me up with the silly things you say and I love that you say hi to everyone in the halls of your school - teachers, administrators, students - you seem to know everyone!  You give me the best hugs and every day I thank God that you are my son.  Love, Mom

Look at how big my baby has gotten this year!

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